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For all you dutch people, how did you learn?
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 16 september 2005 om 21:44:
Still, I'm curious to know why you are placing so much emphasis on English when we're living in the Netherlands?

Dunno but I reckon it's an "english only" section here.
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 16 september 2005 om 21:52:
Dunno but I reckon it's an "english only" section here.

Yeah, I get that. But his topic was aimed at Dutch people:
Uitspraak van Broken Rules op maandag 29 augustus 2005 om 21:01:
For all you dutch people, how did you learn?

and this comment is aimed at everybody:
Uitspraak van Faisal op dinsdag 6 september 2005 om 19:26:
Let's all start TALKING English with a little bit more love & feeling..

That's why I'm curious.
i learned it by forcing myself not to look at subtitles during an English-spoken program!!!
I also learned some things from books at school, but that wasn't quite impressive or interesting...
I think, in about a century, all people will speak fluently English, and it may happen, English is gonna be the language of all communities!!!
At first, I learned it from watching TV-shows like Fun Factory (on Sky Channel) when I was young... 5/6 years I guess.

Later on, they also gave english classes at school... and I also learned a lot from videogames.
When i was about 10 years old from chatting and answering my moms telephone calls when she was not at home. She still works abroad.

Then ofcourse at school, and internet / television will make it only easier to learn. Still my grammar is horrible :S
From my attempts to fully understand what Mulder was mumbling in the X-Files series ;)
Friends in Australia
watching Cartoon Network while it was on satalite...
straight from the UK :P

when i was 5-6 years old, i spoke it better then my dad...
i even wrote some words english :P

my grammar still sucks... (kidde television :S:P)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zaterdag 17 september 2005 om 12:47:
and I also learned a lot from videogames.

:jaja: :respect:
Uitspraak van actief op maandag 17 oktober 2005 om 22:09:
watching Cartoon Network while it was on satalite...

idd, and music and videogames ofcourse
laatste aanpassing
At school. And by watching tv and listening music.
By watching Sesame Street
im born in australia but i only lived there for two years..... i did learn the language at school, and also from tv and listening to music. and from talking to my family, and i always speak english when i am abroad! i really like the language!!!!
at school and from my parents/family
At school, I'm now busy with English at school, it's terrible
By watching films en playing computergames, and later at school of course
At first tv, later on I learnt it in school.
in the beginning of 🇲🇾 times the was SKY channel.
I pikked up a lot from the t.v.

Later in school it was easy.
When i went to work i met a guy from the south of london and sat next to him for about 4 years.
I even picked up his accent but i guess i'm lossing it cause i don't talk english that much anymore

well thats all folks:D
School, people on the inetrnet and my mother has a friend from England that works to.
And practice alot :D
I've got a lot of english friends ..
Just half dutch,but anyways...through the music ha ha!
Me still speak bad eenglish, but me speak good russian :P
hey Rus_Core, whereabouts in Russia are you from?

I've got a few Russian friends living in Arnhem and another one is from Kazachstan
Well i was born in Kiev Ukraine. then moved on to NL Zwolle!
First I got my basics in school, ofcourse, 2 years ago I moved to the United States. My English skill has improved since. Am trying to raise my son bilangual, so usually during the day all he hears is Dutch and at night or amongst Americans he hears English.
Wow, it's cool to teach your son two languages. Doesn't he get confused?

I once met a girl who has French/Argentinian parents. She can speak French, Spanish, English and Dutch fluently.
laatste aanpassing
Artiest Sylph
school, tv, books, uni and living in England.. so i will go back, Holland sucks
Uitspraak van Sylph op vrijdag 11 november 2005 om 20:47:
so i will go back, Holland sucks

Bye, bye!!!!!!
Yeah you got some typical Dutch Scenery there! :P
on tha street pimp
Me dad's from good old london

laatste aanpassing
he's a cockney! isn't he.
Uitspraak van permanent verbannen op woensdag 16 november 2005 om 07:49:
he's a cockney! isn't he.

I study English..and I've been to England a few times :)
at school and television
of course
firstable english was my higherst score at school and i,ve watched a lot of movies and loved english comedy,s as allo allo, are you being served red dwarf, that kind of stuff, now i,ve got an english boyfriend we living together, i,ve been in england before, nice people friendly people, they say horrible things about english people but i,ve seen the other part of it,(y)
School but mostly cuz of playing online games.
when i was 5 me and my family moved to taiwan were i went to a international school.
there i picked up most of my english but learned the rest from tv, games and school
Uitspraak van MC Error op zondag 20 november 2005 om 22:58:
when i was 5 me and my family moved to taiwan were i went to a international school.
there i picked up most of my english but learned the rest from tv, games and school

were I went... WHERE I went
A International school... AN international school.

I bet u didn't pay much attention at youre international school, did you ;-)?

Haha u could have known, made in taiwan.... :9
At school, and I also learned a lot from music and television...
at school and family and tv
@ school, tv, my parents
I've learned it when i was visiting my dad in the Hamptons. I had some friends there and they teached me some daily, very basic, english words.

After a while i could fully understand them and after a month or 3 i really could talk and listen to them like they we're Dutch. To keep up with my English i go and visit my cousin once in a while in London. :)
The Muppets Show
First I've learned English at school and by watching TV but my English was nothing special because I never spoke it really.

Twelve years ago I met my English boyfriend and since than my English is quite good.
In the beginning of our relation my English was crap, but the longer we were together the better it got.

Ofcourse I still make some mistakes here and there, but that doesn't matter.
We speak a lot of Dutch as well with each other so it's not that I'm practising it all the time. We mix Duch and English as well.

I have to say speaking English is easier then writing it though. ;)