
Major League @ klinch

Major League @ klinch
10 juni 2013
georganiseerd door
onderdeel van Melkweg Dance

Melkweg (binnen)
op de kaart Site
Lijnbaansgracht 234a
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zeer goed250%
zeer slecht0

Line-up Major League @ klinch

🇬🇧 drum & bass
🇬🇧 drum & bass, dubstep
drum & bass, dubstep
drum & bass
drum & bass
· MC drum & bass, hardcore, dubstep
· MC drum & bass, dubstep


De zomer van 2013 gaat bijna beginnen en Major League Drum 'n Bass is er klaar voor! Ook deze keer staat er weer een line-up om de vingers bij af te likken. Twee van Nederlands grootste talenten staan zij aan zij met zwaargewichten uit de UK, waaronder Aphrodite en Drumsound & Bassline Smith.
Summer of ’13 has begun and Major League Drum 'n Bass is ready. And once again with a massive line up: Aphrodite, Drumsound & Bassline Smith, June Miller and Maduk alongside the Major League residents.

Major League has made it a tradition to throw a big party in Amsterdam in the middle of summer. Drum 'n bass fans from all over Europe visit the Melkweg for a party with strictly drums and lots of bass. And definitely for this edition with drum ‘n bass pioneers Aphrodite and Drumsound & Bassline Smith alongside June Miller and Maduk, representing the new generation of Dutch talents with a huge worldwide online fan base.

Major League residents dj's Pamb & Harsh and mc's Dart & Swift have also become an essential part of the Dutch drum 'n bass scene. For over 15 years they have been active drum ‘n bass promoters. Not only as artists and event promoters, but also via music distribution and labels.
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3 opmerkingen

We gaan er weer alles aan doen om hier bij te zijn!! :D
Wat een avond, niks opbouw, gewoon rauw beginnen en rauw doorgaan, heerlijk! :D