Mike Vandee
31 mei 2014
NaamMike van Dommelen
Functie10 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱


Mike Vandee was born and raised in the Netherlands. His passion for music throughout his life made the choice, to become a DJ and Music Producer, a very simple one..
In 1993 Mike Vandee founded 'Royal Mellowdies" Underground Dance Events in cooperation with his close friend Marc Zieck. After a short period of time 'Royal Mellowdies" turned out to be a highly successful underground dance concept. These events took place at A1 locations and some alternative clubs.
Having collected records since 1991, Mike Vandee also started exploring the huge variety in styles of house music available at that time ! In 'no time" his collection of vinyl expanded and soon after that he started playing at The Royal Mellowdies Events. DJ Royal Mike was born and shortly after that he became resident DJ, which resulted in invitations to come and play in a lot of other clubs as well...

Uitgaansagenda Mike Vandee

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 2 januari 2010: Jayhwalk, NL, Amsterdam


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