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What was your the longest relationship?

2 years 8 months
laatste aanpassing
haha you wish hunny...
6 years too long. but my dutch wife n i r gona break that record, right babe? <3
My longest relationship is the one i have at the moment 15 months :lief:
3 weeks
i hope the one i'm continuint to have now :$:$:$:$:$

Jelle Ti Amo (L)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 17 juni 2008 om 17:40:
i hope the one i'm continuint to have now :$:$:$:$:$

how do you guys do that with sex? just dont have sex for a looooooonnnnnngggggggg time?

or do both of you cheat on each other ^^
Uitspraak van RTD op dinsdag 17 juni 2008 om 19:17:
how do you guys do that with sex? just dont have sex for a looooooonnnnnngggggggg time?

jup... w8ing a long time...

it's like the silence before the storm... but then in a nice way :d
wonder how long it wil last :lol:
Artiest Cik
4.5 years
indeed honey... IT'S NOT ONLY SEX ...
how long is now that we don't do something?
maybe from last time you were here? or before... 'cause last time we didn't...

i just want you close (L)
oh yes, in one year we're gonna see...

you with an arm like my ass, and me living with him...

wanker! :lol:
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 17 juni 2008 om 22:02:
you with an arm like my ass, and me living with him...

don't worry about that,don't have mutch problems in that department
and your "boy" has that size arm to! 8)

it's realy ganna crack me up when/if he cheats on you 8)
while you dont even know it!

laatste aanpassing
maybe you don't know a thing that's called : FAITH.

and i think that if it was just for sex, i coulb really stay here in italy riding everyone i wanted.
what's the point having a person so far, telling him/her "i love you" and moving for that person, if you're enjoying your life in your own place?!
i think that it's stupid and crazy "throwing" money in this way!

if it was just sex, i could already say " :bye: " forever after i got what i wanted... ;)
and believe me, before him i didn't have to go to Belgium to do something, and before me he didn't have neither to ask for having "sex" ...

i'm sure that's love... ;)

p.s. : his armS are so big because of something else ;)
if i want i can stay in belgium and look for a simply bitch... believer me , in belgium there ane engough ;) but in stead i go to italy for my girl , and not just 4 sex like you are thinking ;)

the fact you say these things is telling 10 times more about you then about anything else

anyway , end of this useless discussion :D

love you sweety(l)
love you too my sunshine (L)
its not olny about sex but sex is really important in relationship so its one of the most difficult tasks in living far away from eatch other
9 months

I get bored pretty easily
1 moment would suck.

"hi, ur cute, wana be my bf/gf?"
"on 2nd thought, no thx, it's not you, it's me, sorry, but good luck!"
not longer than 45 min.
laatste aanpassing
only 45 min. ?!?!?!?!?! sooooooooo leeeeeeeeessss?????

:lol: rabbit! :lol:
2 minutes when I am sober and about 1 hour or 2 after a prty :D ;)
2 years and 2 months with my ex boyfriend.

At the moment with my husband almost 1 year and 2 months relationship, tomorrow 9 months married.
let me work :lol: :$
told you guys a while ago :lol:
gna gna gna gna.... :s
20 years
Uitspraak van RTD op zondag 14 september 2008 om 15:20:
relatie: No

r u so ignorant just because you can't get a girlfriend by yourself , ore just because you are dutch ?
:lol: im not a real fan of commitment
but think i have more exspirence on that department then you think 8)

but that's beside's the point
hate to say it i told you so
Uitspraak van RTD op zaterdag 20 september 2008 om 17:46:
im not a real fan of commitment
but think i have more exspirence on that department then you think

sure :rot:
27 years with my right hand
dont know, something about 2 years..
3 meters
laatste aanpassing
one week away from 3 years.. a waste of time :no:
12 years and still goin' :)
my longest relationship was about 3 Years.
mine will be 20years in May and still going. No regrets, she's my soul mate !