Forumonderwerp · 923145
­ Nederland
because this section was said to be not intelligent:

post your knowledge here!

just anything you want to share with us.
hehhh what u on about woman?
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:01:
because this section was said to be not intelligent:

witch section here IS intelligent?
Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:05:
just farted

Intelligent enough

Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:01:
because this section was said to be not intelligent:

post your knowledge here!

Knowledge is not intelligence :nee:
If you want intelligence try calling the CIA
Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:31:
Just farted again :|

And it's nasty

If you are sitting there in your self-made stench I have serious doubts about your level of intelligence....
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van Goaty op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:35:
If you are sitting there in your self-made stench I have serious doubts about your level of intelligence get use to it..and than it fades away..:lol:

This topic is getting very intelligent by now 8)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:14:
Knowledge is not intelligence

you're right, it is more than this.
Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:45:
This topic is getting very intelligent by now

I agree! :roflol:
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:01:
because this section was said to be not intelligent:

Maybe its true ;D
Knowlegde is power!
Power to the nerds!
Nerds to make robots!
Robots to rule the Earth!
Earth... ah, fuck it.
this is the most unintelligent topic i have ever seen :[
I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!
Uitspraak van Chris :rot: op vrijdag 5 januari 2007 om 03:45:
Knowlegde is power!

knowledge is not power - applied knowledge is!

such a thread is destined to be mocked..

but hey, is there somewhere a list with all the smiley's on this board?
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:01:
because this section was said to be not intelligent:

post your knowledge here!

just anything you want to share with us.

i want to fcuk you
intelligence at PF?
you can't make a fool of me :O
Artiest Hungry
damn, guess i am not welcome here...
I know for a fact that ill have to take a shower right now, i smell really bad:P
Do you realy think you can beat me? I am lord of the universe no one can beat me! Understand that you fool?!
You're the one who's going to die, not me!

I don´t have to prove that I´m intelligent...Especially not on Partyflock...
But, nevertheless, you can create an opinion about me by reading some of my replies I´ve been writing in some fora all around here :cheer:
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 4 januari 2007 om 17:01:
post your knowledge here!

E = mc2

Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 21 februari 2007 om 03:12:
I´ve been writing in some fora all around here :cheer:

wooow you're cool
'Stupid Is as Stupid Does'

If you understand that, you understand the world we live in.. {And most people on PF :lol:}

Uitspraak van verwijderd op zaterdag 24 februari 2007 om 17:30:
'Stupid Is as Stupid Does'

something my mom always say
Uitspraak van GEUX op donderdag 22 februari 2007 om 12:11:
E = mc2

Wrong... e = mc^2 :rot:
Did you know

- that Madrid is the only european capitol that isn't situated right next to a river?

- that a giraffe has 2 hearts, the extra one is situated in it's neck to pump blood up to it's brain?

- that i ruined the movie Jurassic Parc for my brother? The first Dino you see is one of them long necked ones with a giant tail. In the movie Sam Neil saw one of them stand on it's hind legs to eat leaves from the top of nearby trees. I Knew for a fact that that particular dino didn't have more than one heart so it could not possibly raise it's head above it's body without depriving it's brain of oxygen. The long neck was an evolutionary answer to the problem of balancing agains the giant tail (used for defence)

- that William Shakespear would have been 46 when the king james verion of the bible came out and in Psalm 46 the 46th word from the beginning is SHAKE and the 46th word from the end is SPEAR?

- that it is physically impossible for 'normal' humans to touch their elbow with their tongue

- that a kitten dies for every time you take a breath? STOP BREATHING, YOU KITTEN KILLER

- 80% of men find women more sexy with at least 1 layer of clothing on compared to naked women?

- The seahorse is the only animal where the male carries the offspring to term?

- that 80% of the people who read this attempted to touch their elbow with their toungue :P
I Really hate to say it, but you are talking non sense :P

A giraffe has an unusual large heart. Its just one you see.
A giraffe has nummerous valves in his neck, so that the neck can cope with huge pressures in his vains there combined with gravity. Its an Evolutionary answer to the problem of reaching food. So its not true that a giraffe would have 2 hearts, so your dinosaur (witch offcourse would be an Brontosaurus or something simmilair) theory is also not tru :)

As a matter a fact, why would a creature have 2 hearts, it will cause interferance, and would be reasonable inpracticle...
I believe Brussels is located next to a canal rather than a river ;)
Beer is damn good :D