Forumonderwerp · 816293
This morning, I heard the song "Where are you" on the radio. Imaani sings something like...

I would drive through the rain (to find you)
Walk a desert plain...

...and I was thinking: if you knew that the partner of your dreams was somewhere on this earth, and you had to do some sort of an assignment to eventually let him/her magically appear before your eyes... What would you do? How much would you give for the possibility to meet the the man or woman of your dreams?
btw. driving or walking throught the rain is nice as well and if I'm not in searching for "perfect guy" 8)
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Okay, let's get one thing clear... I'm "searching" for that one, perfect match as less as you all do... Even more, I don't really believe in the perfect match.
But say "the one" would exist, he or she would walk around somewhere... A spirit would come up to you and he'd ask what you would do, to get to meet him or her!

It's just that... the thought of getting to meet this person (whether he or she would exists or not), and the thought of the happiness this person would bring... I just wonder what you would do to accomplish this :)
:p what the hell

My Answer is sort of like the one of 'Lauwz' :P


Stop being miserable about wat you dont have!
And start enjoying what you DO have!
Lady Pentacle maybe I'm perfect person for you :bloos:

joke... ;)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 13:05:
No idea...I don't believe in the man of my dreams

toooooooooo bad Baby....

I think somewhere there is someone made just for u ;)
Uitspraak van Lizze op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 13:00:
...and I was thinking: if you knew that the partner of your dreams was somewhere on this earth, and you had to do some sort of an assignment to eventually let him/her magically appear before your eyes... What would you do? How much would you give for the possibility to meet the the man or woman of your dreams?

I think u can't do anything...

if it has to happen it'll happen... if it's in your destiny the man of your life is gonna appear infront of u without asking or waiting for him ;)

belive in it ;)
Uitspraak van 'Lauwz' op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 13:05:
I would drink another cup of coffee and think about how stupid this whole "Search for the holy partner" thing is.

I'm not gonna search for "the love of my life". If it exists it will come to me.. or not.

Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 15:58:
Stop being miserable about wat you dont have!
And start enjoying what you DO have!

that's also a nice suggestion ;)
Uitspraak van MorningSt@r op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 20:50:
toooooooooo bad Baby....

I think somewhere there is someone made just for u

*hint* :x
Artiest Son
Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 15:58:
Stop being miserable about wat you dont have!
And start enjoying what you DO have!

your hand...ok sorry joke:)
Uitspraak van MorningSt@r op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 20:50:
toooooooooo bad Baby....

I think somewhere there is someone made just for u

Not interested dude :no:
i don't believe i could ever eat or catch the perfect fish, so i'll never catch the perfect woman. i mean, what does the perfect fish taste like? who knows.
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 23:02:
what does the perfect fish taste like?

it tastes pussy
hehe... yea, the good kind all tastes the same though
Uitspraak van French connection op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 23:04:
it tastes pussy

Uitspraak van MorningSt@r op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 20:50:
there is someone made just for u
yeah,right but only "something" not "someone" and I know what's :D
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 7 oktober 2005 om 06:39:

I agree :jaja:
there is no perfect match.
it depends on how u treat/respect eachother.
Maybe not perfect but... someone made for you!
well ... i am looking for a spanish girl, any around? :D :D :D hrhr
Uitspraak van 'Lauwz' op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 13:05:
I'm not gonna search for "the love of my life".
on my opinion that doesn't exist

Uitspraak van Akasha op zaterdag 8 oktober 2005 om 15:24:
someone made for you!
probably but made for you for a period ,not 4ever!

Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 15:58:
Stop being miserable about wat you dont have!
And start enjoying what you DO have!
it's easier tell that than "live just like that"
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Uitspraak van inactief op donderdag 13 oktober 2005 om 22:57:
probably but made for you for a period ,not 4ever!

I think I'll wait until I finally meet my little friend Marina-not-from-Switzerland-anymore in person and THEN I'll decide

maybe :P

hrhr...yeah..i'm looking forward to meet my big friend Dark

:kusje2: + :hug:
I mean, you're practically living next door now, so how hard can it be? ;) (it's only 20 minutes by bus)

:hug: + :kusje2: + :D
I was few times in the last 2-3 weeks at Alkmaar :cheer:

this village where I live already 1 month (not for a long time for sure) is real dutch and nice but soooo boring :x I'll kill myself how much I'm bored...I don't know anybody

btw. PF member from this village are almost only kids...14,15 or 16 years old :/
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 20 oktober 2005 om 15:48:
I was few times in the last 2-3 weeks at Alkmaar

NOW you tell me :P

but yes, Akersloot is pretty boring (as long as you don't forget that being dead is even MORE boring, so you wouldn't want to do that :no: )
hehe...I think that next saturday I will come to Alkmaar 'cause must buy some tickets:)
Can i meet my big friend Dark?:bloos:
well, nest saturday (the day after tomorrow) I'll be in London (going to see Yoji in the Brixton Academy)

maybe you could buy your tickets next next saturday? ;)
hm...well,great for you and party in London :cheer:

I have to buy the tickets for Awakenings Knee'Deep &,u think that until next next saturday the tickets not will be sold-out? :O

ow...on this topic we must talk about mens & womans from dreams and stuff like that... :bloos:
some perfect mens from my dreams




so..if somebody see this 3 perfect mens(animals) plz contact me B)
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i am the one above :cheer:
Uitspraak van ! Krystian op donderdag 20 oktober 2005 om 18:02:
i am the one above

hehe :) which one? :D

so..cute :lief:

look at this face and teeth :lief:
Uitspraak van ! Krystian op donderdag 13 oktober 2005 om 12:21:
well ... i am looking for a spanish girl, any around? hrhr

why Spanish????
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 20 oktober 2005 om 16:07:
I have to buy the tickets for Awakenings Knee'Deep &,u think that until next next saturday the tickets not will be sold-out?

presale started just a week ago, so I'm sure there still will be tickets by then ;)
Uitspraak van Akasha op donderdag 20 oktober 2005 om 21:58:
why Spanish????

because i like spain? ;P

i need sunshine, i need beaches, i need to learn the language and i need a spanish girl :flower:

Now I need some good advice?
i want to, thats my idea, but have to learn the language first and best way to learn a language is ....
Uitspraak van ! Krystian op vrijdag 21 oktober 2005 om 14:09:
i need sunshine, i need beaches, i need to learn the language and i need a spanish girl :flower:

haha :cheer:
Uitspraak van ! Krystian op vrijdag 21 oktober 2005 om 14:15:
want to, thats my idea, but have to learn the language first and best way to learn a language is ....

next year I'm going to live to holland!! :P:P:P:P
Right now I'm in a academy to learn dutch:):):):)
nice :jaja:

good luck with the learning language :)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zondag 23 oktober 2005 om 08:02:

good luck with the learning language

dank u!!! :D:D:D:D:D


that's not English :P

but I'll allow it this once because you're not Dutch
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