Forumonderwerp · 1173756
When you submit that photo you won’t have to worry about how it’s going to turn out because we will keep sending you proofs of the final product until you’re happy with it. After all, it’s something you want to be completely special and that means you may need a few rounds of proofs to get the entire image exact. That’s okay, because we’re ready and willing to go through the image continuously until you’ve found something perfect. We want to make sure you have the ideal gift after all, so don’t stop until it’s perfect.

Once you’ve got the picture you aren’t only going to get the face of the person you want. You can also design the entire bobblehead. So if you want a judge, we have that. If you want a groom, we have that too. We have everything you could possibly think of and you’ll love it. We can match the look of the picture you submit or we can change it up to match the bobblehead you pick out. Love the faces in the wedding photo but want to make it a superhero instead? Well, that’s not a problem. We’ll swap out the face you have with anything you like.
Uitspraak van Likenessme op woensdag 13 april 2016 om 16:53:
You can also design