
Foodstock Live

Foodstock Live
9 juli 2019

Woodstock 69 (buiten, strand)
op de kaart Site
Zeeweg 94, tent 7 (BL10)
Bloemendaal aan zee
schatting: soul, r&b, hip hop

Tickets Foodstock Live

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Line-up Foodstock Live

· instrumentalist r&b
· live hip hop


26Facebookbezoekers @ 16 augustus 2019
129Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 16 augustus 2019
198Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 18 augustus 2020
Our restaurant Foodstock is known for it's exotic dishes. But every Wednesday of the season we're doing some extra special.
Together with our chefs we created a delicious menu and invited some of the finest live musicians to support the evening.

The menu for this edition (€12,50)

Fried Rice with freshly caught prawns by our local fisher Steef!

Happy to be working with the friendly people from Friendly Fire! Together we're proud to present Strandjutten, where fresh new talent finds the stage at Woodstock69. For this edition
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