Red Light Radio
13 november 2018
georganiseerd door Site

RLR AMS Shop (binnen) op de kaart
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 133

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Line-up Red Light Radio


366Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 22 januari 2019
Our friend Danny Keen has been working on a new live set for the past few months, and will premiere this set in our RLR AMS SHOP listening basement on the evening of November 23rd!

Danny stacks layers of guitars and synth on top of drum beats, plays live guitars and adds vocals on top, all under a thick haze of psychedelic effects. Expect zoned out soundscapes and some pretty upbeat stuff going on as well. Danny also has a track forthcoming on Young Marco’s Safe Trip label, and before and after the show Red Light Radio resident Rege Satanas will play records.

Hop on by!
Free entrance, free beers by Kornuit.
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