
Wicked Jazz Sounds club night

Wicked Jazz Sounds club night
16 juli 2017
georganiseerd door

Sugar Factory (binnen)
op de kaart Site
Lijnbaansgracht 238

Tickets & prijzen Wicked Jazz Sounds club night

Voorverkoop:€ 9,50
Deurverkoop:€ 9,50
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Line-up Wicked Jazz Sounds club night

Line-up is niet compleet.
Wicked Jazz Sounds is a weekly Sunday club night where jazz meets dance. DJs and musicians play together on a danceable mix of jazz, hip hop, soul, funk, house, disco, latin, electronica and more. Making you dance with a smile!

July 30 - DJs: DJ Leroy Rey (solo set)
Live: Paul van Kessel (vocals), Azim Inami (guitar), Kika Sprangers (sax), Jeroen Verberne (trombone), Koen Smits (trumpet), Lito Mabjaia (bass), Tijn Wybenga (keys), Yordi Petit (drums)

Since 2002 Wicked Jazz Sounds has step by step grown from a party organization into a musical platform. A family of music lovers; musicians and DJs who do what they love with heart and soul. They look to music in the widest way possible. They see jazz as a genre where a lot of other music came from. That is why they also consider funk, soul, hip hop, disco, drum&bass, latin and even house as their musical base. Getting their inspiration from the newest dance floor killers and music from the old heroes!
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