
Amazing Mono Resident Night

Amazing Mono Resident Night
19 november 2015
georganiseerd door

Club Hemingway (binnen) op de kaart
Grote Hoogstraat 13

Tickets & prijzen Amazing Mono Resident Night

Deurverkoop:€ 3,-
tot 00:00:gratis
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Amazing Mono Resident Night

🇩🇪 🇳🇱 house
🇩🇪 house
November, leaves have fallen and days are shorter. However, it also means there is more time to turn the nighttime into day. On the 28th of November we will come together again to experience another night of electronic music.

Our residents Mütze, Pick&Bello, Doppelspiel, and Dissonanz will come together and guide you throughout the night. Therefore, don’t hesitate, spread the word, and share your presence with us.

What: Amazing Mono Resident Night
When: 28th of November 2015, 23.00
Where: Club Hemingway, Leeuwarden
How much: free until 24.00, 3€ after