
Drinks, Dance, DJ's

204 × 204 · locatie
9 maart 2016

Dolhuis (binnen) op de kaart Site
Dolhuisstraat 53-55
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Line-up Drinks, Dance, DJ's

techno, house
house, techno
The disco sound has soaring, often reverberated vocals over a steady "four-on-the-floor" beat, an eighth note or 16th note hi-hat pattern with an open hi-hat on the off-beat, and a prominent, syncopated electric bass line sometimes consisting of octaves. The Fender Jazz Bass is often associated with disco bass lines, because the instrument itself has a very prominent "voice" in the musical mix. In most disco tracks, strings, horns, electric pianos, and electric guitars create a lush background sound. Orchestral instruments such as the flute are often used for solo melodies, and lead guitar is less frequently used in disco than in rock. Many disco songs employ the use of electronic instruments such as synthesizers...

Oftewel, heerlijke disco, in Dolhuis, in Dordrecht tijdens Drinks, Dance, DJ's!
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