
The morning after

· Suits Edition Facebook
The morning after
16 september 2014
The morning after
16 september 2014
georganiseerd door

Café van Buren (binnen) op de kaart Site
Molenstraat 89
latin × 2, r&b × 2, hip hop × 1

Tickets & prijzen The morning after

Voorverkoop, vrouwen:€ 6,502 personen
mannen:€ 6,50
Deurverkoop, vrouwen:€ 5,-
mannen:€ 10,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!
Maximaal 1000.
No sportswear/caps

Line-up The morning after

house, urban
🇮🇷 🇳🇱 house, urban
· MC 🇸🇷 house, r&b, techno, latin
This one goes out to all the SUITS lovers!

It’s #TeamHarvey …vs… #TeamMike. Who’s side do you choose?

For those who didn't know yet, this is also our 2 year anniversary, that means more reasons to come and celebrate with us!

Get your SUIT (Cocktaildress) game on and party with us till The Morning After.

Make sure to come as fashionable as possible! As usual, our photographer (BLCK PXL) and cameraman (ONOVISON) will pixelate the night!
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