Esteban Adame
29 april 2014
NaamEsteban Adame
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸


Esteban Adame started his musical career at age 15, Dj'ing at local house parties in and around Los Angeles. Like most bedroom DJs, Esteban built his home studio and tried his hand at producing. Wanting to refine his skills as a musician, he took a hiatus from DJ'ing to study piano formally.
In 2004, Esteban was invited by Mad Mike of Detroit's Underground Resistance to participate as a keyboardist in a new project that Banks was putting together called Galaxy 2 Galaxy, as well as the Los Hermanos live act. For the next five years the group would entertain masses at some of the world's best clubs and festivals; Berghain, The Loft, Fabric, The Arches, Yellow, Montreux Jazz Festival, Monegros festival, Tea in the Park, Glade Festival, Metamorphose, and Astropolis to name a few.
Esteban has steadily released material under his own name as well as a new moniker "Frequencia...

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