Ray Nicholes
25 juli 2014
NaamRay Nicholes
Functie4 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸


Starting out playing the drums and early years interest in rock, industrial, and hip-hop Ray Nicholes realized quickly that he had an unparalleled edge to his creativity. He continued to built the foundation of his sound while developing his roots in west Michigan as he bounced between the underground techno scenes of Chicago, Detroit, and Toronto in the early '90s. With the rapidly evolving techno scene Ray kept his focus on producing tracks. His EPs Black Kamanche, Confessions, Tentación, and Caja de Ultima Hora "the remixes" are all released on Black Nation Records. Over 17 years of influence by some of the icons of techno he has been able to fine tune and master his style that he coins "machine gun techo" with sound and style that is dark, deep, heavy on drums and percussion, somewhat moody and tribal with lifting sexy vocals and intrinsic loops. Since moving to Miami in 2009, Ray has been featured in a number of venues including multiple gigs during WMC...

Uitgaansagenda Ray Nicholes

Laatste optreden was op woensdag 17 oktober 2012: Dream Spinners, Up, Amsterdam


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