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Who will come from another country to Smurfland the 28th of October?

It's the birthday party of Smurf from the Geordie Gabba Mafia!
I Will Be There, I need some motherf*cking Speedcore!!
Didn't see Jappo and Outside Agency for a long time so I'm pretty curious for tonight.........
I dont got a ticket yet
Dont hope it is sold out tonight because if it is...
I will be sleeping on the train station

Me 2
30 more minutes before we leave to Koog a/d Zaan
I'll be there on 23.45..

Prey fot me that there are tickets left!
They couldt find Smurfenland at the ticketservice so no tickets at presale :@
well that was an mazing party, really cool shit people,hello to everyone i met old and new it was a top class night, cheers Cuup,i have over 2 gig of pics and movies from the party but they will not be online until about wednesday as i do not return to england until monday,just gettin ready for hardcore asylum tonight now