Profiel · 391597


Ben je nou alweer hier?
Weer eens niks beters te doen.
(L) Love it (L)
:loser: Leave it :loser:

About me.
Name: Samantha.
Birthday: 02 September.
Age: 18
School/Job: Horeca management Gilde opleidingen.
Horeca Bediening/keuken.
Love: NO :no:!:$
Favorite place to be: Just being with my special ones. Italie(L)
Animals: 2 Honden en een aantal vissen.
Something You Just want to say: Honey, I love you so much, Never want to lose you!
I never tought I would meet someone,
that could make me feel like this..
Remi, Lonja, Tanja Thomas en Wendy You are my everything..
Thanks for being there for me,
when I was to depressed to see that I wasn't alone.
And thanks for all those Happy and fun moments.
I love you so much...
I would die for you~!!!!!

Questions: Just send a message ;)

Just Because they are the most important people in my world...

Remi. Koekje, You are the best friend I could ever wish for.
I love you with all my heart and never want to lose you!
You were there for me when I needed you the most..
You were there when I was too depressed and couldn't smile again..
And you made me smile when I tought I couldn't...
But you were there to at the happiest moments in my life...
When I met you, I was shocked. Such a sweet and beautifull guy.. But again..
You know what I mean...
I can't live without You! I would die for you!
I will always be there for you...
You are my everything.. My best friend...
And the person that understands me...

Lonja. Princesje/verloofde, You are so special.
You were there for me at the depressed and the happiest moments of my life.
You were there for me when I needed you!
We laugh together, we cry together, we die together..
I can't live without you.. I would die for you!
I will always be there for you when you need me...
You are my everything.. my best friend...
And the person that understands me...
Best friends for ever...

Tanja. Honey, You are such a sweet girl.
You were there for me when I needed you!
And I will always be there for you...
Never want to lose you!!!
I love you girl...