
Black Bottle Girls

Black Bottle Girls
4 september 2018
georganiseerd door

Villa Thalia (binnen) op de kaart Site
Kruiskade 31

Tickets & prijzen Black Bottle Girls

Voorverkoop:€ 14,50
vrouwen:€ 10,-
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Winactie (gesloten)

Line-up Black Bottle Girls


uitgebreid · beknopt
Luc Belaire presents: ‘Black Bottle Girls’. 🍾

A new monthly Monday event at Club Villa Thalia, Rotterdam. Every first Monday of the month will be completely dedicated to women, luxury and elegance with ‘Black Bottle Girls’. The very first edition will take place on Monday, October 1st and will be hosted by one of the Dutch Belaire ambassadors. With many DJ’s, entertainment and live acts this is going to be a party you clearly don’t want to miss out on. So, start your week off right and come party with Belaire! 🍾
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