
Influenza* Lounge

Influenza* Lounge
18 mei 2016
georganiseerd door

Vinny & Jo (binnen) op de kaart
Grote Hoogstraat 42

Tickets Influenza* Lounge

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Line-up Influenza* Lounge


uitgebreid · beknopt
Influenza* Lounge is back from it's long winter break!

Let's Lounge into the last weekend of spring and give the start of the summer season a proper welcome!

Join us for the well-known loungy vibes and get your VriMiBo on!
This eidition Navar and Influenza resident mAWA* will provide you with a mix of funk, house, disco and tech-house.

There is plenty of room for chilling, dancing, wining, and dining- take your pick! :)

See you soon

Friday from 17.00h
Vinny & Jo Café
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