30 maart 2016
georganiseerd door

Club Vie (binnen) op de kaart Site
Maasboulevard 300
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Line-up Eyeballin

Line-up is niet compleet.
house, afro
r&b, hip hop
house, techno
house, afro
hip hop, house, urban
r&b, hip hop, latin, afro, urban
house, urban, latin
urban, hip hop
house, urban, latin
techno, downtempo
urban, afro
r&b, hip hop
house, afro
house, afro
house, urban, r&b, latin
· MC hip hop
· MC


uitgebreid · beknopt


uitgebreid · beknopt
The only party you can wear your sunglasses at night!
Eyeballin parties have the perfect vibe combinated with refreshing, funky music & good looking party people. Make sure you look eyeballin enough so our photographer will chose you for an "on the spot" photoshoot. Do you want to be the next eyeballer?
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