
Internationals Halloween

· Conspiracy Revelations Facebook
Internationals Halloween
28 oktober 2015
host: Excess afbeeldingen aanpassen

PIP (binnen) op de kaart Site
Binckhorstlaan 36
Den Haag

Tickets & prijzen Internationals Halloween

Early bird:€ 7,-
Voorverkoop:€ 9,50
Deurverkoop:€ 12,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Internationals Halloween

Line-up is niet compleet.
EDM, hip hop, house, trap, reggaeton
house, trance, techno
· MC house, trance, urban, latin
techno, deep house, tech house
techno, house
🇷🇸 🇳🇱 techno
🇸🇷 🇳🇱 techno
3Area 3
strictly urban
🇦🇼 house, urban, hip hop, latin
4Area 4
progressive, electro
house, trance


uitgebreid · beknopt
Main Stage: EDM, HipHop, House, Trap, Reggaeton
Excess stage: Techno, Deep House, Tech House
Stage 3: Strictly Urban
Stage 4: Progressive, Electro

The 6th edtion of the internationals Halloween in The Hague! Last year it was ‘Voodoo Children’, this year ‘Conspiracy Revelations’!

Throughout time events have taken place, or have they? Will we ever find out the truth? Was it secret or/and deliberate planning that have managed to cover up some questionable incidences?
The new world order, the Bermuda Triangle, the moon landing, area 51, pharmaceuticals, the Bilderberg group, chem trails and many more conspiracies have been heavily discussed over time, now it’s time to find out the truth. With our extensive décor, live entertainment, entertainers and DJ’s we are going to take you on a journey like never before.
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