
New Music for Found Footage

New Music for Found Footage
14 oktober 2014

TrouwAmsterdam (binnen) op de kaart
Wibautstraat 127

Tickets & prijzen New Music for Found Footage

Voorverkoop:€ 12,50
Deurverkoop:€ 12,50
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From August till November 2014 we will present together with CineSonic a new series of four events dedicated to found footage cinema in combination with live electronic music. The third edition will take place on October 30 with Legowelt performing a new original score to classic works from the LIMA archive.

Line-up New Music for Found Footage

house, techno


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uitgebreid · beknopt
From August till November 2014 we will present together with CineSonic a new series of four events dedicated to found footage cinema in combination with live electronic music. The third edition will take place on October 30 with Legowelt performing a new original score to classic works from the LIMA archive.

30 October
3 Legowelt meets LIMA

This program present a selection of classic works from the LIMA (formerly Montevideo/NIMK) archive. The videos of this program were produced between 1979 and 1988 by five Dutch and international video artists, including works by pioneers of European video art such as Klaus vom Bruch, Reinier Kurpershoek and Ron Sluik. The selection focuses on the aesthetics of video art produced in the 80s, when the practise of remixing or manipulating film and video footage became popular among artists to create new narrative pieces. The program is presented in collaboration with LIMA.

Live score by Legowelt
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