Twilight Circus
20 februari 2014
Twilight Circus
20 februari 2014
georganiseerd door Site, Site

Koornbeurs (binnen) op de kaart Site
Voldersgracht 1

Tickets & prijs Twilight Circus

Deurverkoop:€ 7,50
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Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Twilight Circus

1Night Stage
za 22:00 - 23:30:  psy
za 23:30 - 01:15:  psy
zo 01:15 - 02:45:  · live 🇱🇹 psy
zo 02:45 - 04:15:  · live psy
zo 04:15 - 06:00:  🇮🇪 🇳🇱 downtempo, psy
2Light Stage
za 22:00 - 23:45:  psy
za 23:45 - 01:15:  trance, downtempo, psy
zo 01:15 - 02:45:  downtempo, psy
zo 02:45 - 04:15:  psy
zo 04:15 - 06:00:  trance, downtempo, psy


geenstemresultaat (1 stem)


uitgebreid · beknopt
Twilight Circus will be the first collaboration between 3rd BIT Events and Psychedelic.FM.

A wonderful night filled with Psy-Trance with all its colors and shapes, will await us like freaky eye candy.

This night is going to be spectacular and it has a special purple glitter lining, for Shivanki is having her birthday!

We offer you two areas; one will be in the vast dark shadows and the other will be light as an uplifting summer day.
Two areas combined will create a Twilight Circus in which we will unify light and dark in a fantastic harmony of good vibes!

Two amazing live acts will be there to provide us with the best Dark and Forest beats The Netherlands has to offer
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