

1200 × 1200 · locatie
Woodstock 69
14 juli 2017
georganiseerd door

Woodstock 69 (buiten, strand)
op de kaart Site
Zeeweg 94, tent 7 (BL10)
Bloemendaal aan zee

Tickets Swell

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Line-up Swell


uitgebreid · beknopt
Every Friday night Woodstock ’69 presents Swell. Every Friday night is set up to stir up a storm with a series of promising nights and the perfect mix of local heroes and international guests. This contains Woodstock residents and guests DJ’s who translate the Woodstock sound.Straight up underground house & techno with the right approach to make you dance your socks off.

Swell’s Fridays give you extended DJ sets. Together with a newly decorated Woodstock, an even better soundsystem.
Let’s make this a summer to remember!
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