Davina Michelle
20 oktober 2020
NaamMichelle Davina Hoogendoorn
Functie68 × zangeres
HerkomstNederland Nederland
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My name is Michelle Davina Hoogendoorn and artist name Davina Michelle. Born on November 12th 1995 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Me and my two siblings have been happily raised by Astrid and Simon Hoogendoorn in a small town close to Rotterdam, Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel.

When I was young, probably around the age of 4, I was a big fan of superstar Britney Spears. I knew all of her songs and dances. While other children of my age were playing house, I was pretending to be her. I was performing 'Oops!... I did it again', and 'Overprotected' with my eyes closed, pretending I had a whole crowd listening to me. And DAMN, I felt like I was amazing😂. It became a dream and a difficult one. Even though I was only a child, I understood perfectly that there were a lot of other young boys and girls who had the same dream and that it would be naïve and unrealistic to think that I was going to be the next Britney Spears. So I kind of kept my dream a secret.


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