
My verry large Photo Album, feel free to watch inside. But at your own risk

:respect: Sietse Aka Da Mouth of Madness & Me :bier:
One of the godfathers of T H U N D E R D O M E behind my turntable
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for this Gabba "Elvis"
My Wall of Thunder :respect:
4-7-2010 gezellie
:bloem: Layla, Jessica, Sabrina, Tina, Leroy, Alain, Ramona :bloem:
:) 19-08-2010 Finaly me & Sven have the flag :)

posters flyer + entree ticket MIJN TROTS en eerste feest
The Crown on my collection, Poster ID&T The Final Exam 1992
Mijn Thunderdome 1 poster
Mijn Thunderdome 2 poster
Mijn Thunderdome 3 poster
wall of fame
My home
My Doggy :lief:
De Jongste Alain
My Princes Layla
My Puppy, Pluto.
F1 v.v. RUC Utreg 2009 / 2010, in het midden mijn NICK staand
Broer & Zus
RUC F1 Champion Geldwinkeltournooi 2010 Sv hoofddorp
You don't have any Idea what Hell is?
This is Hell

I love them.

Nicky Julian 14-06-2003 Hardore to the bone.

Layla Victoria 26-05-2005 My Little Princes.

Alain Dion 21-4-2008. What a boo boo

Flyerkast 22-06-2009 ongeveer 20.000 Hardcore Flyers
Flyerkast 22-06-2009 ongeveer 20.000 Hardcore Flyers
My vhs video converting studio
Thanks 2 Sven :respect:
Nieuw pand ID&T 14-03-2010
Nieuw pand ID&T 14-03-2010
Nieuw pand ID&T 14-03-2010

Who can help me out.
I search for some items to add. to my collection.
For my personal my life in the hardcore scene start in Utrecht.
Not the town where I was born, but the town where I was rase up and where I live.
The hardcore / gabber scene is a very big conception.
For me personaly there are some big concepts that have my intresse.
DOM Records

I still search for this vinyls
DOM ..004
DOM ..005
DOM ..006
DOM ..010
DOM 10116

I try to get some contact with the old owner of the Twist & Shout music store.

That store was in Utrecht at "de oudegracht"

but don't work out till so far.

Dance To Eden, Vechtsebanen, Centralstudios, Ghosttown & Eden rave

ID&T, Thunderdome

Digital Overkill, Dorpzicht, Subdivision of Patty Boom Music.
The total History of Dutch rave scene

I search for diffrent items, Like Flyers, Merchandise, Posters, Promo material, Cds, Vinyl.
When you have something for me, please contact me or PB partyflock.
Above this text there are some pictures from the items I still watch out for.

Who can help me out.
I search for some items to add. to my collection.
For my personal my life in the hardcore scene start in Utrecht.
Not the town where I was born, but the town where I was rase up and where I live.
The hardcore / gabber scene is a very big conception.
For me personaly there are some big concepts that have my intresse.
DOM Records

I still search for this vinyls
DOM ..004
DOM ..005
DOM ..006
DOM ..010
DOM 10116

I try to get some contact with the old owner of the Twist & Shout music store.

That store was in Utrecht at "de oudegracht"

but don't work out till so far.

Dance To Eden, Vechtsebanen, Centralstudios, Ghosttown & Eden rave

ID&T, Thunderdome

Digital Overkill, Dorpzicht, Subdivision of Patty Boom Music.
The total History of Dutch rave scene

I search for diffrent items, Like Flyers, Merchandise, Posters, Promo material, Cds, Vinyl.
When you have something for me, please contact me or PB partyflock.
Above this text there are some pictures from the items I still watch out for.
het was gezellie in de poema
het was weer gezellie in de poema of niet Mario en HOT

Ik & Chris opzoek naar het juiste pad :no:
Forze Dj Team (Y)
Forze Dj Team (Y)
Me maatje Chris (Y) aan 't filmen
Lady Dana (Y)
De puinhoop natuurlijk, dikke bruine spetters op me Kleding
De puinhoop natuurlijk, dikke bruine spetters op me Kleding
ontbijt na Ghosttown, mijn kids zijn altijd blij als papa uit gaat (Y)
Zon opkomst 07.45 Zomertijd
Zon opkomst 07.45 Zomertijd
Zon opkomst 07.45 Zomertijd
Zon opkomst 07.45 Zomertijd
Dark raver
Ghosttown · 28 maart 2009


intro Dr Macabre Intro



{ongeldige bron voor embed: }
House the 90s · 25 juni 2010
We waren vast besloten naar dit feest te komen. Hoe kon het ook anders want ik zou Sietse brengen. Maar helaas bij het verlaten van zijn straat begon het drama. Me auto kapte er spontaan mee.
Nou lekker dan daar stonden we met z'n 3en te wachten op de Ring A10 Amsterdam in het midden van de berm. ANWB was er snel en we werden weggesleept naar een veilige plek. Ik had ondertussen al gecontrateerd dat de brandstof pomp in de Benzinetank kapot was.
Hij stuuwde geen benzine meer naar de motor. De man van de ANWB kwam tot de zelfde conclusie. We zouden worden weg gesleept naar Badhoevendorp naar een overslag terein. Sietse was inmidels vet te laat op zijn optreden aangekomen. Hij is gebracht door een gezamelijke vriend. Wij kwamen aan in Badhoevendorp om ongeveer Half 12. We zouden daar een andere auto meekrijgen en mijn auto word maandag naar me eigen garage gesleept. Inmiddels zaten wij al 2 uur te wachten en de boel op zijn kop te zetten van verveling op de receptie waar wij waren neer gezet.
De foto's zijn daar de stille getuigen van.
De 3 hooftpunten waren: Oranje, Ground Zero & Stereo outdoor.
Ik maar weer eens bellen, wat blijkt? Ze waren ons gewoon vergeten :@. maar er zou binnen 10 minuten iemand zijn.
Zo gezecht zo geregeld binnen 15 minuten was er iemand die ons de vervangende auto kon overhandigen. Rond 3 uur reden we weg en waren precies 10 voor 4 in Club Noa. We konden nog 20 minuten genieten.
Maar we warer er wel, nog ff lekker een after gehouden bij bekenden en toen weer naar Utrecht om vervolgens zaterdag avond nog een feestje in Alkmaar te kunnen bezoeken.
Xplode · 14 augustus 2010
Mensen het was gezellie, bedankt.

alot art design by Alex is used for Rave Flyers

Alex Grey was born in Columbus, Ohio on November 29, 1953 (Sagittarius), the middle child of a gentle middle-class couple. His father was a graphic designer and encouraged his son's drawing ability. Young Alex would collect insects and dead animals from the suburban neighborhood and bury them in the back yard. The themes of death and transcendence weave throughout his artworks, from the earliest drawings to later performances, paintings and sculpture. He went to the Columbus College of Art and Design for two years (1971-73), then dropped out and painted billboards in Ohio for a year (73-74). Grey then attended the Boston Museum School for one year, to study with the conceptual artist, Jay Jaroslav.

Grey's unique series of 21 life-sized paintings, the Sacred Mirrors, take the viewer on a journey toward their own divine nature by examining, in detail, the body, mind, and spirit. The Sacred Mirrors, present the physical and subtle anatomy of an individual in the context of cosmic, biological and technological evolution. Begun in 1979, the series took a period of ten years to complete. It was during this period that he developed his depictions of the human body that "x-ray" the multiple layers of reality, and reveal the interplay of anatomical and spiritual forces. After painting the Sacred Mirrors, he applied this multidimensional perspective to such archetypal human experiences as praying, meditation, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth, nursing and dying. Grey’s recent work has explored the subject of consciousness from the perspective of “universal beings” whose bodies are grids of fire, eyes and infinite galactic swirls.

Born in Lima, Peru, Boris attended the National School of Fine Arts in his native country before immigrating to the United States in 1964.
He has since done a great volume of work for the Fantasy field, having worked for virtually every major publishing house with a science fiction/fantasy line. Boris has also illustrated for album covers, video box art and motion picture advertising.

His mastery of oil painting is immediately and abundantly clear to anyone who looks at his work, and his classic sense is as much an homage to the old masters as it is to anyone contemporaneously working in the Fantasy genre.

For sheer dauntless bravura, few have ever pushed the limits as does Boris with his beautiful maidens and fearsome monsters.

Boris and Julie married in 1994 and share their lives and their studio in Pennsylvania.

Boris vallejo - Vampire's Kiss - 1979

Boris vallejo - Opium Dream - 1981

FANTASY ARTIST BRUCE PENNINGTON was born in 1944 in Somerset. Art was his main interest at school and after his family had moved to the south-east of England near London he began, around the age of 15, to attend evening classes at the nearby Beckenham School of Art, mostly doing life drawings from professional models. This led to being accepted there as a full-time student from 1960-62. From there he graduated to a two year painting course at Ravensbourne College of Art in Bromley.

By the end of his studies Pennington had become disenchanted with Fine Art and so, exchanging 'Fine Art boredom for Commercial Art whoredom' he began work in film posters whose boldness and vulgarity he felt to be a continuation of Pop Art, which had been one of his passions at college.

At the age of twenty-one, in the mid 1960s, he was ambitious and confident enough to plan leaving film posters for a career as a freelance illustrator. Between 1964 and 1966 he gradually built up a portfolio of his own private works in the hope of attracting publishers as potential clients. To view a sample of its contents click HERE.

Bruce Pennington - Earthwork - 1972
Bruce Pennington - Earthwork - 1972

Chris Achilleos (born 1947) is a painter and illustrator who specializes in fantasy artwork and glamour illustration. Born in Famagusta, Cyprus, his family emigrated to the United Kingdom in 1959, where he currently resides.

His work has appeared in Heavy Metal and Radio Times magazines, on book covers (including series based on the Conan the Barbarian character, TV's Doctor Who and the Fighting Fantasy gamebook series), and in collections of his own work. He has also worked on various film projects as a conceptual artist. Recently, his work has also included fetish art.

Achilleos created the controversial cover for Whitesnake's 1979 album, Lovehunter, which featured a naked woman straddling a giant serpent. Reportedly, the controversy proved troublesome for Achilleos, who subsequently refused to do album covers for many years.[1] The original artwork, along with several other pieces, were stolen from him in the 1980s and sold to a private collector

Chris achilleos - Host of chaos - 1984
Chris achilleos - Host of chaos - 1984

Chris achilleos - Who dies first - 197?

Keith Parkinson was born on October 22, 1958, in West Covina, California. He attended elementary school at Weinberger School, San Diego, and graduated from Okemos High School, Lansing, Michigan. From a very young age, Keith had an interest in the arts. His take on what exactly constituted ‘art’ was a little different from the definitions of most, though. Inspired by the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, he started painting sweeping landscapes occupied by fearsome monsters during high school. He quickly developed an affinity for his new hobby, and was soon splitting his time between painting and playing drums in a rock band.

Citing a desire for a more stable career as a freelance fantasy artist, Keith eventually abandoned his dreams of rock stardom and left his band to go to art school. Upon graduating from Kendall School of Design in 1980, Keith took a staff artist position at a company called Advertising Posters. Contrary to the way it sounds, the company had nothing to do with advertising or posters, and they may or may not have been owned by the mob. They were silk screen printers that printed and generated all of the art for the pinball, and blossoming arcade video industry. Keith had a direct hand in the artwork of many of the most popular games that mark the beginning of the video game industry.

After a lengthy struggle with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML),

Keith passed away on October 26, 2005.

He was 47 years old.

He was an inspiration to everyone that knew him and he will be greatly missed.