
Maqossa × Qlub

· All Night Long Facebook
Maqossa × Qlub
13 oktober 2023
host: Qlub afbeeldingen aanpassen

Shelter (binnen) op de kaart Site
Overhoeksplein 3
schatting: tropical, disco, funk, house

Tickets & prijzen Maqossa × Qlub

Voorverkoop:€ 21,50
tot 00:00:€ 18,50
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Line-up Maqossa × Qlub

vr 23:00 - 06:30:  house, disco


Honoring the legacy of the house music scene, Maqossa brings a unique Dutch-infused groove that's bound to get you dancing. He blends classic house with funky rhythms to create a lively party atmosphere, giving birth to the movement known as Qlub. Maqossa's career has taken off, with performances at prestigious venues like Burning Man, BPM Festival, Sisyphos, Shelter, Mysteryland, and more.
In the midst of the pandemic, Maqossa took a bold step by launching his own record label and event series, named after the Qlub movement. This venture has expanded to include a festival, club nights featuring renowned artists like Archie Hamilton and Richy Ahmed, and a record label, all united under the Qlub brand. Maqossa's music ensures you'll have a great time, so don't miss a beat – join the Qlub experience.
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