
Narcosis × Ritual Rave

Narcosis × Ritual Rave
2 augustus 2023
georganiseerd door , Site

Chinastraat (binnen) op de kaart Site
Chinastraat 1

Tickets & prijzen Narcosis × Ritual Rave

Voorverkoop 1:€ 13,50
Voorverkoop 2:€ 16,50
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Narcosis × Ritual Rave

🇳🇱 techno, hardcore
🇳🇱 🇧🇪 hardcore, techno
· live 🇫🇷 hardcore
🇮🇹 🇳🇱 techno


A symphony of machinery awakens. Enter a realm where industrial might intertwines with sonic rebellion, where the relentless pulse of acidcore and tekno reverberates through steel corridors. Amidst flickering lights and billows of smoke, a congregation of defiant souls gathers.

In this dystopian sanctuary, barriers dissolve, and a new world emerges—one where mechanized rhythms guide our every move. As sparks fly and gears spin, may we find liberation while embracing the allure of chaos.

Become the architects of our industrial euphoria.

This is Narcosis X Ritual Rave, where our forces combine to present you with a night of relentless acidcore and tekno, pulsating across two rooms.
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