Armin van Buuren
17 juli 2023
georganiseerd door Site ⊂ ( Site & )

Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel (buiten, strand) op de kaart Site
Playa d'en Bossa 10
Playa d'en Bossa

Tickets & prijs Armin van Buuren

Voorverkoop:€ 70,-
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Line-up Armin van Buuren

Line-up is niet compleet.
🇳🇱 trance


geenstemresultaat (1 stem)
Trance legend Armin van Buuren will take over Ushuaïa Ibiza for four earth-shaking events every Sunday in September.

Ranked the World’s No.1 DJ a record five times by readers of DJ Mag, Armin is one of the most dynamic artists behind the decks. His signature sound is precision-engineered for large-scale venues. Witnessing him perform on the iconic Ushuaïa Ibiza stage will be a rare opportunity to experience him in an open-air setting as the sun goes down on the most magical island on earth.

This will be a huge summer of new music from Armin, with the final part of his Feel Again album dropping on March 31st.

The Dutch superstar invites you to join him for a truly unforgettable experience every Sunday from 3rd - 24th September at Ushuaïa Ibiza.