Moving Rhythms
6 november 2022
georganiseerd door

Gebr. De Nobel (binnen) op de kaart Site
Marktsteeg 8
techno × 4, acid × 1, acid techno × 1, electro × 1, melodic techno × 1

Tickets & prijzen Moving Rhythms

Voorverkoop:€ 12,50
Voorverkoop:€ 12,50
Deurverkoop:€ 12,50
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Maximaal 200.

Line-up Moving Rhythms

techno, hard techno
techno, drum & bass, hardcore, hip hop


geenstemresultaat (1 stem)
Great party, great atmosphere with great #vinyl dj’s. From #underground #darkdisco to #acid #electro #techno

Rhythm is a universal feature of the human experience. Music and patterns may vary widely from culture to culture, but we all share an innate rhythmical sense. Good rhythms evoke deep primal feelings at the core of the shared human experience. Moving Rhythms intends to bring together people who share this conviction and let them enjoy the best 'moving rhythms' from vinyl mostly. Moving Rhythms is not stuck to a single genre. On this night we'll move from deep dynamic grooves like dark disco to deep and acid techno and uncut oldschool rave.

These dj's know their stuff and play it mostly straight from vinyl. Come celebrate electronic music with us!

Gebr. de Nobel
Marktsteeg 8, Leiden
Start 23.00-end 4:00hr
Tickets: 10 eur. (Age 18+)
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