Paradise Down by the Lake
30 juni 2021

Park van Beervelde (buiten) op de kaart Site
Toverstraat 6

Tickets & prijs Paradise Down by the Lake

Voorverkoop:€ 392,-8 personen
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Paradise Down by the Lake

🇩🇪 house, techno
· live 🇮🇹


1800Facebookbezoekers @ 1 juli 2021
7300Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 1 juli 2021
9054Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 28 september 2021
After an unforgettable first edition in Drogenbos, Paradise Down by the Lake has found a new home in Park van Beervelde, a truly stunning lakeside location where tranquility rules the land. Especially during this time of the year, this piece of nature shows its most colorful side. When darkness falls, our captivating light show will mesmerize all our visitors. Sitting right between Ghent and Antwerp, this piece of paradise is convenient to reach too.

The journey will take place on a beautiful private lake during 19 sessions. From rafts within your bubble and on a safe distance from other bubbles you will be able to enjoy gentle music and a picknick within a rustic environment.

Find Yourself.

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