5 oktober 2018
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InDeep'n'Dance (binnen) op de kaart Site
Rozengracht 60
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Line-up InDeep'n'Dance

🇮🇹 🇩🇪 house, techno
🇮🇳 techno, house
🇩🇪 house, techno
🇩🇪 house, techno


158Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 5 oktober 2018
DOTS.Music returns to ADE with a Meet&Greet showcase at the InDeep’n’Dance Records store at Rozengracht 60.

Bring your demos and connect with loads of label owners and event organizers from all around the world.

DOTS. has had artists like Antonio Grassia, Artslaves, Tony Dee and many more release music on the label with many more great artists to come. DOTS.Music’s releases have been played by many big names around the world including Dubfire, Joseph Capriati and Hot Since 82 at Sunwaves Festival, Tomorrowland Belgium or Greenfields Festival just to name a few.

DOTS. also organizes label showcases at clubs like Harry Klein, Pacha Munich, Bob Beaman or Melkweg.

For this year’s showcase DOTS. invited their close friends Ash Roy and Markus Mehta to play alongside label bosses Alex Cristea and Ludwig Rausch.
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