
FuckUp Nights Amsterdam

#5 · ADE Special Facebook
FuckUp Nights Amsterdam
29 september 2016
georganiseerd door
onderdeel van Site

NDSM-Werf (binnen) op de kaart Site
NDSM-Plein 28
schatting: techno, house, disco

Tickets & prijs FuckUp Nights Amsterdam

Voorverkoop:€ 5,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up FuckUp Nights Amsterdam

house, techno, disco
FuckUp Nights Amsterdam - Don’t bury your failures, let them inspire you!

Every edition FuckUp Nights Amsterdam invites professionals to share their failures on stage. An event to celebrate fuckups, share failure stories and talk openly about those hilarious or painful anecdotes that we like to forget as soon as possible. Why not acknowledge that life sometimes doesn't go as planned and accept the challenges that we face? A night with the best FuckUp stories, lots of laughter, beer and a very honest and open atmosphere.

This edition we collaborate with ADE SLEEP/OVER to create a special Amsterdam Dance Event edition focusing on the dance industry. From DJs and managers to club owners and festival organisers, they will all share their best FuckUp stories on stage, providing valuable lessons and insights from the world of dance.
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