
Soca vs Dancehall meets Bacchanalia

· European Unity Facebook
Soca vs Dancehall meets Bacchanalia
3 november 2015
Soca vs Dancehall meets Bacchanalia
3 november 2015

S.U.R. (binnen) op de kaart
Boompjeskade 10

Tickets & prijzen Soca vs Dancehall meets Bacchanalia

Early bird:€ 10,-
Voorverkoop:€ 13,50
Voorverkoop + vervoer 1:€ 26,50
Voorverkoop + vervoer 2:€ 30,-
vervoer:€ 16,50
Deurverkoop:€ 20,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Soca vs Dancehall meets Bacchanalia

1Area 1
🇸🇷 hip hop, latin
house, urban, r&b, hip hop, latin
🇬🇧 r&b
house, techno, urban, latin, reggae
· rap 🇩🇪 hip hop, latin, reggae
2Area 2
🇦🇼 latin
🇹🇹 🇳🇱 urban, latin, reggae
🇬🇧 hip hop, latin, reggae
latin, reggae
🇩🇪 latin
· MC
After a successful European edition last year, we're bringing it back this year. And to top it off it will be another edition of Soca vs Dancehall meets Bacchanalia, the same event that was the Rotterdam Carnival after party this year.

There will be two areas, a Soca area and a Dancehall area!!

DJ's and party crews from The U.K., Germany and France will be joining the DJ's and crew from The Netherlands for a night of pure Caribbean vibes. There will be buses and flight/train packages available from these countries to The Netherlands.

Never been to a Soca vs Dancehall?
Check the after movies here
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