
Class up the Ass

886 × 886 · locatie
27 november 2018

Venue (binnen) op de kaart
Varkenmarkt 16
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Line-up Class up the Ass

Class up the Ass | 29-08-2015 | 22:00 – 04:00 | Venue, Varkenmarkt 16, Utrecht | Pay what you want!

Dress code: Class up the Ass

Ladies and gentlemen. On the 29th of august, Gindo proudly presents you its first party ever. Dig through your wardrobe and dust off that old tuxedo and forgotten cocktail dress. It is time to Class up the Ass!


Getting sick of the dime a dozen club scene in Utrecht? So do we! That is why Gindo, Stagaluga and VENUE Eten Drinken Dansen Muziek provides you a new, unique and varied night out: live music, funky DJ’s and a good old classy theme in the mix!

22:00 – 23:00 Warm-up mix
23:00 – 02:00 Stagaluga’s Finest (Live classy jam session)
02:00 – 04:00 DJ Silhouet (Funk set)
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