
Two Hells As One

· LP Release Party Facebook
Two Hells As One
5 september 2014
georganiseerd door

Kultuurkaffee (binnen) op de kaart
Pleinlaan 2

Tickets & prijs Two Hells As One

Deurverkoop:€ 10,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
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Line-up Two Hells As One

drum & bass, hardcore
drum & bass, dubstep
🇭🇺 drum & bass, hardcore, techno
🇭🇺 drum & bass
drum & bass
techno, drum & bass, hardcore
🇵🇱 drum & bass, hardcore
Evil Beats Recordings meets Black Hoe Recordings for the release of the LP "Two Hells As One".

We invite you to the release party monday 10 november (tuesday is free) for a perfect night with internationals guest and the cream of belgians talents from the labels.

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1 opmerking

22 mudd
23 rhumble
00 human error
01 migu
02 mystification
03 switch technique
04 peter kurten b2b necron
05 bat stan