
Pan- Amafropeans Flight PA 1708

Pan- Amafropeans Flight PA 1708
1 augustus 2013

Pan- Amafropeans Flight PA 1708
1 augustus 2013
georganiseerd door

Noorderlicht Café (binnen, buiten) op de kaart Site
NDSM-Plein 102

Tickets & prijzen Pan- Amafropeans Flight PA 1708

Early bird, Payed guestlist (we'll hold your ticket till midnight August 17th)), tot 14:00:€ 6,-150 beschikbaar
Early bird:€ 6,-150 beschikbaar
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!
Maximaal 300.

Line-up Pan- Amafropeans Flight PA 1708

🇫🇷 house, latin, afro, reggae
disco, house, hip hop, afro
Turbulent Soundways

For the 2nd edition of PAN-AMAFROPEANS in Noorderlicht, Pål/Secam offer you a trip to the land of late night summer boogying.. On board, some of the grooviest tune players, specialist sunshine music selectas out of Amsterdam and Lyon. Check in on this flight and join in on a funloving crowd of people, dancing till the after hours on the outskirts of the civilized...PAN-AMAFROPEANS is about glowing sound waves, quirky beats and primitiv’ rudeness.
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