Flockonderwerp · 61458
Hey everybody,
this topic is for the producers around here,
talk about producing, discuss things and post snippets/tracks.
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 46382, 59632, 66445}
Team with them? Haha, I had a label and was gonna release a collab of Monomarc (one of the members) and Filthy Turd (a total fuckhead from england).

The home base of Monomarc (de Hondenkoekjesfabriek) kicks ass! A very nice building, walls are decorated with Art Brut and the ceiling is full of tubes and lights. Quite freaky.

The noise scene is funny, mainly consisting of people which would be considered as social outcasts. And alot is based on pure provocation, like where the hell would you find a negroe with an Absurd (National Socialistic Black Metal band) patch on his jacket? Oh well, at a Whitehouse (:respect: ) concert.

The ties with the gothic scene are held by Rhythmic Noise, as some acts clearly have something like that gothic industrial (EBM) sound in it.
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Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 62016, 34383}
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op maandag 31 december 2007 om 14:46:
Do Noise/Drone soundscapes fit in here too?

just post it!! :) would love to hear
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 75190, 76507}
ik wil ook noize maken met wat gear
gewoon freaken. lijkt meheel wat leuker dan laptopnoise maken
Uitspraak van JanTerror op dinsdag 8 januari 2008 om 21:06:
Vaag, weird :D

Quite :)

Any more opinions?
Keep those thoughts to yourself if you think about it like that, noise clearly isnt your thing then and it'll probably never be your thing either.
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op woensdag 9 januari 2008 om 23:44:
Any more opinions?
Keep those thoughts to yourself if you think about it like that, noise clearly isnt your thing then and it'll probably never be your thing either.

I respect Noise very much(Y)
But i can also imagine why people dont like it, hehe ;)
But then it isnt your style like Herr Mk.01 sayd:)
Just sent a demo to Dollfullofrivets, Nkondi's label. I hope to get a release on that label, obviously.

Soon to come:
3" Cd-r on Scrape Tapes, 50 copies with some nice artwork (UK Experimental/Noise label)
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op donderdag 10 januari 2008 om 17:57:
Just sent a demo to Dollfullofrivets, Nkondi's label. I hope to get a release on that label, obviously.

Soon to come:
3" Cd-r on Scrape Tapes, 50 copies with some nice artwork (UK Experimental/Noise label)

Is this all vinyl?
Vinyl? My biggest dream would be a vinyl release. Unfortunatly there aren't alot of noise labels which release vinyls. There are some, definetly.. but those are more for the well-known names.

Mp3 and Cd-r releases are more within reach. Professional Cd-r (hmm, that sounds contradictive) is the best I can get at the moment.
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op donderdag 10 januari 2008 om 19:30:
Vinyl? My biggest dream would be a vinyl release. Unfortunatly there aren't alot of noise labels which release vinyls. There are some, definetly.. but those are more for the well-known names.

Mp3 and Cd-r releases are more within reach. Professional Cd-r (hmm, that sounds contradictive) is the best I can get at the moment.

The Noise scene is bigger in Japan and America right? I've been told:)
Absolutely, there are several people who like noise... but its hard to find em in normal live.

But seriously, one of my friends runs quite a decent cd-r label near here.

There's alot of cd-r trading in the scene, so the way is to get releases on as much labels as possible to guarantee as much listeners as possible.
Hehe, I just got the totally retarded idea of taking several Last Days Of Humanity tracks from one cd (well, a 40 track cd), slicing em up and then combining it all.

Ive only made 9 seconds so far, its pretty hard to get some parts fitting with others... But the result is gonna be a hell of a nasty track. The drums are quite strong in the mix of those tracks and the vocals which sound like someone is blowing air into a bucket of puke using a pipe are awesome.. especially after combining parts.

Not gonna add any aditional beats or stuff... Perhaps only a horror movie sample at the start.

Whats the point of this rubbish? There is no point, I got bored and felt like doing something like this.

Gonna post some updates later :P. If it turns out to be a succes I could do it to more bands (Especially GUT and Regurgitate would be high on the to do list, perhaps even The Berzerker).
I dont know much about the Noise scene..
speedcore / terror

indistinct - pornography
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Uitspraak van UNTITLED. op vrijdag 11 januari 2008 om 21:00:
Makes me curious 8).

The progress is slow, but I think I'll make a myspace page for it and place a WIP (work in progress) version of it once the track gets longer.

I just finished tweaking the sound a little, tweaking the sound when everything is done sucks... as the result could change too much then. Small changes could still be done at the end though.
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Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op zaterdag 12 januari 2008 om 19:33:
tweaking the sound when everything is done sucks...

I known ;)
Getting my hardware this week :).
I should do more with myspace, just like making a myspace for smack records.
I believe we accepted noise too there :P.
Is that a hint? :lol:
Hehe, would you like releasing Doornen?

At least the promo pic is wicked : [

Ok, its not a promo pic, its just a random thing shot by my lady. We were testing her new Canon EOS 40D...such an awesome camera. I played around with the Canon EOS 400D of my parents, also quite good... but not as awesome as the 40D.

Oh, and this is actually a crappy fast edit in photoshop, yay for low saturation.
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Well, The angle of the picture is quite nice and i am sure with some more adjustments this can be a hell of a promo pic ;)
I could send some unreleased material so you can decide about it. The time it takes to get it released wouldnt really matter.
I hear Techno, I hear Acid... still you wouldnt call it Acid Techno though.

Too bad the kick is kinda weak, it should sound more full and pounding. Plus maybe it could be more "schurend".

Its pretty wicked anyway.
Donkey Drone?

I once saw them live there... Isn't it an LSD Mossel sideproject?

I remember em using those white long-nosed masks (italian? / plague masks?).
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op dinsdag 22 januari 2008 om 19:42:
I remember em using those white long-nosed masks (italian? / plague masks?).

Yeah with those masquerade masks very very nice...the dutch version of Sunn O))) but more violent :D Got some stuff of LSD Mossel?

Noize topic?
thx for listening and the comment :)!!
Uitspraak van <> op maandag 28 januari 2008 om 23:08:
Yeah with those masquerade masks very very nice...the dutch version of Sunn O))) but more violent :D Got some stuff of LSD Mossel?

Noize topic?

I don't, actually.
A noise topic would be quite a good idea actually!

And now some producer stuff:
Fixed a new shaker yesterday. Small metal candy can + contact mic and screws inside. Its working quite well, signal is good.. No retarded unwanted humming.

Haven't recorded stuff with it yet, will soon try to use include it in my way of working.
I broke the shaker! Too bad the "soldeerapparaat" broke recently, now I won't be able to fix it well.

I did make a nice thing causing natural reverb, works really well on vocals. It's fucking Lo-Fi and fits to power electronics vocals quite well. I made some recordings with it to put into my collab with a canadian noise/p.e. producer.

Soon to be released:
Doornen - AIDs Loves You To Death (3" Cd-r, limited to 50 copies on Scrape Tapes (new UK label).
Contains 2 fucking kickass tracks with quite some variety. The material almost fills the whole 3" Cd-r as the length is 20:44. The release might come in a black velvet pouch.
No amazing artwork at all, simple art theft from a french Anti-AIDs campaign. Still, it's rather effective I think.

Doornen & Flutwacht - Soiled Souls
(Check: My material for this split recently arrived at his place. He's currently making artwork and mastering. It's probably my most diverse material on one release ever. My material starts with a 20 minute track which starts rather ambiental and droning. It slowly gets towards a climax. After that 3 other tracks follow which are all on the harsh spectrum. The first one of those 3 focusses on quite some heavy stuff (low freqencies) while the second of em is ever changing. The last one is a rather short one.. starting with screeches and then turning into a harsh'n'heavy blast. Hmm, yes, I can't wait till it's release! I haven't heard his material yet, but I've actually never heard any shitty Flutwacht material. More info later.

Downloadable Doornen compilation (MP3 & FLAC) on Dadaist Audio
The first release on Dadaist Audio (DADA#001) was Doornen - Delirium Tremens. Now the label has gone beyond 100 releases. The owner was kind enough to save DADA#100 for me though. I'm currently compiling old unreleased material from various stages of the project. The release will probably 2 hours long and spread into 2 sections: Old material and remixes. For the remixes I'm asking fav. projects and friends. There are still places available so if anyone else would like to do it, feel free to contact me.
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Uitspraak van JanTerror op maandag 18 februari 2008 om 10:15:
How to get one?

I am also interested.
A full site might be done soon.
You can pre-order by sending a message. The actual ordering will probably happen through mail/messages too. I'm not sure how he's gonna handle payment, Paypal and well hidden money through mail could be the options, probably.

The label has quite some potential I think, the owner (artist name: Content Nullity) is capable of making some really good things. Kenji Siratori (listed as one of the artist for the second batch of releases) is quite interesting. It's a japanese writer/musician... the cyberpunk value is rather high. Wicked writings, cool soundscapes and spoken words.

I will post a notification when the actual release date has arrived.
I'm probably also receiving some artist copies (I don't know how many) so you might also be able to order one from myself actually.

I just received a mail from Flutwacht. The split will be released on his own label Apocalyptic Radio. It's probably gonna be a Cd-r in A5 or DVD sized casing, limitation would be around 50 or 60 copies. More info later!
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for downloading my tracks chek my personal teksture on partyflock
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op maandag 18 februari 2008 om 07:49:
Doornen - AIDs Loves You To Death (3" Cd-r, limited to 50 copies on Scrape Tapes (new UK label).
Contains 2 fucking kickass tracks with quite some variety. The material almost fills the whole 3" Cd-r as the length is 20:44. The release might come in a black velvet pouch.
No amazing artwork at all, simple art theft from a french Anti-AIDs campaign. Still, it's rather effective I think.

3 minute sample of the title track available for listening.
Flutwacht / Doornen - Soiled Souls
Apocalyptic Radio
CD-R in DVD Box in cotton bag soiled with grease & filth, limited to 50 copies.

4 New tracks by Flutwacht, 4 harsh noise tracks by Doornen from the Netherlands.

1. Äthersäule
2. Dornentau
3. Unbekannte Metamorphose
4. Seelenschmutz

5. Drowning
6. Lost Between Soundwaves
7. Inhale Thorns
8. After All

Should receive my copies very soon :)
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Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 51010, 40348}
Spacy breakcore/tekno/stampcore/blablablabla
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Thath's nice! :)
I've received my artist copies of that split with Flutwacht today. All of those are "gone" already though. Hehehe.

JanTerror: check je berichten, een ervan is dus voor jou bestemd.

Good news on Doornen - AIDS Loves You To Death: Covers are currently being printed.
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yo made new track
200 bpm core

enjoy :)
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this track is some industrial hardcore

u may heard it on Dirtyhardcore radio

Indistinct - Humans Are A Disease

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Bought 2 new pedals (one still has to arrive)
and I'll be getting a new mixer next sunday.

Fuck yes!

And during the last weeks I've been quite productive, lots of stuff coming up.
Uitspraak van Schimpie de Ruisgenoot op zaterdag 31 mei 2008 om 11:33:
Bought 2 new pedals (one still has to arrive)
and I'll be getting a new mixer next sunday.

cool, im selling allot of my gear for other gear 8).
Flutwacht / Doornen - Soiled Souls (CD-R, Apocalyptic Radio)

Verpackungskunst gehört zum Genre des Industrial dazu, wie die Industrieästhetik oder der Hang zum kranken Individuum. Vorliegende Veröffentlichung ist gleich dreifach verpackt, in eine Schutzhülle aus Plaste, in einen künstlerisch gestalteten Stoffbeutel (den mancher wahlweise auch nur als schmutzig bezeichnen würde) und eine handelsübliche DVD-Hülle mit einem ansprechenden, "dornigen" Artwork. Sehr schön das Ganze und das Äußere allein, wird so Manchen schon zum Kauf animieren.
Doch auch der musikalische Inhalt lohnt sich. Selbiger besteht aus jeweils vier Stücken von Flutwacht und vom holländischen Noiseprojekt Doornen. Flutwacht liefern über weite Strecken einen sehr reduzierten, dronigen Sound ab, der sich hervorragend für Meditationen eignet. Bei "Seelenschmutz", ihrem letzten Stück auf dieser CD stimmen Flutwacht den Hörer bereits auf das folgende Klangbild ein, denn es geht wesentlich rauer und schmerzhafter zu.

Bevor Doornen dauerhaft in diesem Stile fortfahren, lassen sie es etwas ruhiger angehen. Das Stück "Drowning" beginnt mit leicht verfremdeten Wasserklängen, die anfangs noch beruhigend wirken. Im Verlauf des Stückes nimmt selbiges an Schärfe zu, um dann nach fast einer Viertelstunde ordentlich zu krachen. Ertrinken ist kein Spaß.
Die weiteren Stücke sind dann über die ganze Länge heftig. White Noise-Schleifen, übersteuerte Drones und Fiepen, Kreischen, Schmirgeln, einige wenige klare Sounds. Das Ganze klingt dann auch eher nach Naturgewalt als nach Musik. Persönlich muss ich sagen, dass für diese Art Klangästhetik meine Hemmschwelle recht hoch ist, andererseits zeigt sich immer wieder, dass man durch mehrmaliges Hören immer mehr entdeckt und das, was eingangs monolithisch fest wirkte, so seine Risse, spalten und Kratzer hat. Definitiv nichts zum Entspannen aber auf jeden Fall hörenswert.

Heb op ebay een door de vorige eigenaar gemodificeerde DOD 75B Stereo Flanger gekocht. Hierin zit nog een analoge delay ingebouwd etc.

Video van het ding (gemaakt door de vorige eigenaar) in actie als een soort van uitleg van het ding:
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