Felix Dickinson
24 december 2016
Functie3 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdisco, house


It's tempting to concentrate on Felix's Dickinson's History, his pre criminal justice act rave orchestration, his 10 years DJing for the Lifeforce parties in Japan or any of his DJing and touring achievements during the early formation of the UK House scene. But, to concentrate on any of these things is clearly missing the point.

Yes, Felix was making and playing music in those 'early days", but he has consistently championed underground music to this very day, whether via his myriad of musical guises and aliases including Foolish and Sly, LHAS Inc, Das Etwas, Bastedos, and the soon to be revealed 'Dedication" project, on labels like DFA, Eskimo, Rush Hour and International Feel… or through his own Label, Cynic Music.

Uitgaansagenda Felix Dickinson

Laatste optreden was op zondag 27 mei 2018: Lente Kabinet Festival, Het Twiske, Oostzaan


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