Mr. Hazel
2 maart 2016
NaamSharuben Jonthan Hazel
Functie1 × rapper
Geboortedatumdecember 1987
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱


Sharuben Jonthan Hazel a.k.a. Mr Hazel was born in December 1987 in Amsterdam. Being the oldest of 3 sons he grows up with his parents as a family of 5 in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost.

With his father being born in Curacao and he's mother being from Bonaire from the Dutch Antilles, Mr Hazel was being teached all the finer things from the Caribbean. Artists like Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G en Doble R where well known. But it where the true legends such as Kassav, Doble R en Era that inspired Mr. Hazel to stay close to himself as an artist.
Mr. Hazel's music is a combination of local Antillian music such as Zouk, Kompa and Ritmo Combina combined with musical influences of the West Indies. Mr. Hazel is an artist on all levels, he writes his own lyrics and music.

Uitgaansagenda Mr. Hazel

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 16 april 2016: MadHouse invites SBMG, Underground, Lelystad


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