Gerry Galago
5 november 2013
NaamEvren Demirci
Functie15 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreslatin, progressive trance


His innocent days almost numbered. He's 7 years old when Vangelis his music begins to hypnotize him. No, not hypnotize, because that would mean that at some point, he would snap out of it. That at some point, it would stop. Over the years it has become more than evident that there are no words to describe what happened to him. A mixture of passion, love and a whole bundle of other emotions where planted in him that day. His passion for music awakened at 7 years old and not strangely, his innocent days were over. The days that he could sleep without having fondled little o' miss music had gone.

Uitgaansagenda Gerry Galago

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 18 augustus 2017: Mystery Glasses Birthday Bash, Villa Thalia, Rotterdam


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