Andy Jones
23 december 2013
NaamAndy Malawauw
Functie62 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
partyflock DJ Andy Jones (1 sep 2013)


Since the onset of his career, Andy has experimented with the various genres of House/Dance music, resulting in the birth of a vibe which exudes the very essence of what House music is really all about.

For many years Andy has made the party happen at some of the most famous spots in Holland, and now he brings a vivacious new energy with the addition of his own creative sound. To put a label on it one would say Bigroom. However, to feel it is indescribable. To put it simply, Andy knows what the people want, and keeps his finger on the pulse of what makes the party rock time and time again.

Andy Jones the producer has created a fresh, new sound which he incorporates into his DJ sets. He follows in the footsteps of the world famous DJ/Producers from Holland. With such big shoes to fill Andy is on top of his game.He is the protégé of Holland's native son Lucien Foort, whose inventive style has placed him in the top rankings as one of Europe's most well known Dj/Producers'.

Uitgaansagenda Andy Jones

Laatste optreden was op zondag 15 juni 2014: Indian Summer Festival, Geestmerambacht, Noord-Scharwoude


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1 waardering

Excellent dj, great producer! First one here, more party people will drop their positive feedback soon..