Andras Bader
15 april 2019
NaamBáder András Richárd
Functie1 × DJ


Andras Bader is a DJ/Producer, Learning and experiencing the techniques all by himself, having closely followed current happenings within the scene, he gradually started to bring his ideas to life. His hard work was rewarded by a couple of releases under the name Spacekid and Andre aka Spacekid as soon as by 2006. Attracting the attention of the well- known German tech-house label, his next release landed the tops of sales charts the first week of release under Exun.Unique as a personality, he's always set out to put through something outstanding and innovative, to definitely make an impact on his listeners. His style could be best characterized by techno, house and minimal sound, easily winning the likes of home and international Djs alike.

Uitgaansagenda Andras Bader

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 4 juli 2019: Balaton Sound, Balatonmeer Zamárdi, Zamárdi


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