VHS Dreams
14 september 2018
NaamGeorge Dervenagas
Functie2 × DJ
HerkomstGriekenland 🇬🇷
WoonachtigVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresambient, house, nu disco


The VHS Dreams Foundation is an electronic music and art project created by George Dervenagas and based in Europe. His musical and visual style merges 80's/90's sensibilities with modern elements and is described as an examination and reimagining of current and past cultures. In 2014, under the "VHS Dreams" moniker, his debut EP established him as a household name within the Synthwave underground scene. Since then he's been involved in a variety of works including remixes, music videos, compilations, indie films, video games, art exhibitions and released his full albums "Trans Am" (2015) and "Lost World" (2018). Now expanded as an one-man multimedia art project, VHS Dreams continues to promote a re-evaluation of the present based on a past that could be but never was.

Uitgaansagenda VHS Dreams

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 13 november 2020: 9128 Live


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