
Dekmantel At Night

Dekmantel At Night
3 augustus 2017

RADION (binnen) op de kaart Site
Louwesweg 1a
schatting: house, techno, hip hop, minimal
Dekmantel At Night dagen
Dekmantel At Nightvr 4 aug 2017, 23:00
Dekmantel At Nightza 5 aug 2017, 23:00 ←
Dekmantel At Nightzo 6 aug 2017, 23:00
Zie ook
Dekmantel at NightSheltervr 4 aug 2017, 23:00
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Line-up Dekmantel At Night

za 23:00 - 01:00:  house, techno
zo 01:00 - 04:00:  house, hip hop, dubstep
techno, hip hop
zo 04:00 - 06:00:  house, techno
zo 01:00 - 05:00:  · soundsystem house, techno


uitgebreid · beknopt
RADION: Dekmantel At Night | SATURDAY 05.08

Dekmantel At Night at RADION offers three consecutive nights filled with top notch artists, intimate settings and long extended sets. Join us for a leap into Dekmantel’s after hours: perfectly fitted for those who want the enjoy the weekend a bit longer.

UPDATE: Pre-sale for this event is sold out but we have reserved tickets for door sale (only paid by cash!).
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