Drave Brown
27 september 2015
NaamIef Jacobs
Functie1 × DJ
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genresdubstep, eurodance, hardstyle, house, r&b


The roots of Drave Brown's dj career can be found in the beginning of the 2000's when he started going out to several local parties. Soon he became one of the most known personalities in the local partylife. Therefore the legendary DB SEC called him in 2005 'SEC Personality of the year'. Moreover he became known as 'Podiumbiejest iejeste klas' (First class stage animal), due to his tendency to dance on every nearby podium.

In the Spring of 2008, the time was there for him to stand up and begin his own DJ career. Calling himself Drave Brown, he didn't need much time to convince the audience of his qualities and in the Fall of 2008, his first live dj-set was a fact at Shark-a-delic. Furthermore he played that same year already at several private parties.

2011 is THE year of the big breakthrough of Drave Brown. He played at numerous parties and shared the decks with a myriad of famous dj's. People are getting more and more into the hype!

Uitgaansagenda Drave Brown

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 25 september 2015: Foam party, Jeugdhuis 10R20, Herentals


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