10 mei 2022
NaamAstrando Williams
Functie16 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdeep house, house


Astrando aka dj Deepcover was born in Rotterdam on the 19th of June 1976. His career as a deejay began when he was only a teenager. He and his best friend Marvin formed the former group Coversquad. After 14 succesful years of performing and producing they both decided to move on individually. They both had different dreams and for those dreams to become reality they decided they each had to move in a different direction.
After their breakup in dec 2003, Astrando continued performing as Deepcover. Next to his career as a well respected deejay he is also working in the graphic industry, and owns his own business as publisher, an advertisement bureau, his own music studio and record label.
Because of his hard work and creativity he has learned and grown a lot in the music industry. Music has always been his greatest passion, therefore his goal for the future is to be able to make music on a much higher level.

Uitgaansagenda Deepcover

Laatste optreden was op zondag 1 mei 2016: Superior's Bday Blowout, Vie, Rotterdam


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