7 januari 2014
NaamMatiek Keworkian
Functie25 × DJ
Geboortedatum18 februari
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱


Born in the Netherlands on the 18th of February
At a young age he already felt a big passion for music, he was always listening to music and he was always fooling around with the knobs on the stereo.
Also he experimented a lot with two cassette tapes, just recording the tracks over another one till something different came out.

Besides that he also played a lot on the piano, always trying to make his own melody's which were playing on and on in his head.
On the computer he was always making remixes of original tracks. At that time bubbling was a major music scene, and since it was going very well playing his tracks in de school canteen it gave him a a lot of confidence. One of his remixes even reached number 12 of the top100, of course he found that very special.
He makes a lot of music like urban, hiphop and bubbling, he also producing beats for rappers.

Uitgaansagenda Manjoz

Laatste optreden was op zondag 10 mei 2015: Miami Vice, Vroeger, Bloemendaal aan zee


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