Hollywood & Vine
28 november 2013
NaamOfra Beenen & Elke Verschoor
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdisco, house, techno


Dutch ladies Ofra Beenen & Elke Verschoor were already close friends on the dance-floor, and so it was inevitable that they fell in love with each others record collection. They began their musical journey as DJ duo Hollywood & Vine in the Summer of 2011. Ever since they played at different venues and festivals throughout the country and beyond.

Based in Rotterdam & The Hague, you could say the West Coast sound of Holland is in their blood. They were brought up with the legendary sounds of MTC, Nighttown, Parkzicht, Bunker Records and Now & Wow. Their love for disco, wave and house is infinitive and they go by a 'natural selection' when it comes to music: "For us, our body is our guide… we can tell by specific moves if we are into a song or not." So yes, they are dance-floor minded, but there is also a dark, mysterious and melancholic side to what they do. They like to mix it up, but one thing is certain: they will take you back to a place and time where everything started with an E.

Uitgaansagenda Hollywood & Vine

Laatste optreden was op zondag 24 december 2017: Stille Nacht, PIP, Den Haag


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