© Sarah Ginn
11 april 2019
NaamDarren Anderson
Functie6 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass


London based Basher is rapidly building his status among some of the most technically advanced producers to hit the scene in recent years. With demand from the industries top dog, Andy C, to come up with new material for Ram Records, Basher always 'pulls out the stops'. his tracks have been described as 'an essential purchase' and his DJ skills are welcomed on a worldwide scale. However, do not think that all of this just came about over night as Basher has been perfecting his sound for almost 2 decades.
With his roots firmly grounded in London Basher first became a dance music enthusiast at the young age of just twelve. He obtained a set of turntables and relinquished his first love of Hardcore and Jungle Drum & Bass. The adolescent Basher gathered an endless collection of records over the years and began his first club performances and radio shows soon after, This is where he got to fine- tune his live mixing skills and started to gain credibility in and around London...

Uitgaansagenda Basher

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 19 april 2013: Invaderz vs Criticalz, Het Entrepot, Brugge


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